2,319 research outputs found

    Towards a Green Global Golden Age? : ICT enabled cornucopian sustainability and a suggestion for its reform

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    This conceptual thesis analyses Carlota PĂ©rez vision of a ‘Green Global Golden Age’ that is supposed to reconcile the tension between economic growth and sustainability (PĂ©rez, 2016b). Aiming to address the pressing issue of continued unsustainability, PĂ©rez’ proposed solution is based on the assumption that technological innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can successfully decouple economic growth from unsustainable levels of raw material consumption and environmental pollution. This shall be achieved by a combination of circular economy principles and dematerialized consumption patterns. The feasibility of PĂ©rez’ proposal is analysed from a sustainability science perspective. This is done via applying a systems perspective on the implications of PĂ©rez’ assumptions regarding ICT with a particular focus on sustainability. The analysis of PĂ©rez’ proposal, its discussion and the later normative extension is structured with the help of the reinterpreted three-dimensional research matrix by Jerneck et al. (2011) that has been appropriated for this thesis. Based on a literary review, PĂ©rez’ proposal is found to present significant trade-offs between the objectives of economic growth and sustainability. With the aim to contribute both, a critical analysis of the sustainability implications of PĂ©rez’ ‘Green Global Golden Age’ and a normative discussion of its potential reform, the second part of this thesis is focusing on the identification of PĂ©rez’ overarching objective and alternative strategies to achieve them. In this analysis, Human wellbeing is identified to be this underlying objective. In contrast to the mainstream operationalization of wellbeing as the number of goods and services an individual enjoys, Amartya Sen’s work on ‘Development as Freedom’ (1999) is introduced as an alternative operationalization of human wellbeing. Following the objective to provide an alternative economic paradigm that unites environmental concerns with human wellbeing in the sense of Sen, Kate Raworth’s (2012) idea of doughnut economics is introduced. Linking back to the review of ICT and its effects on sustainability, the last part is concerned with the critical discussion of PĂ©rez’ Cornucopian perspective on technology. As a result of this discussion, it is made clear that technology plays an important role in the transition towards a sustainable future, but only if its limitations are acknowledged. The thesis concludes with a short summary of the different chapters, and two possible directions for future research

    Elevated impulsivity and impaired decision-making cognition in heavy users of MDMA ("Ecstasy”)

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    Rationale: In animal studies, the common club drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy”) consistently caused a prolonged loss of presynaptic serotonergic neurons, and evidence suggests that MDMA consumption may also affect the human serotonergic system. Serotonin (5-HT) has been implicated in the regulation of impulsivity and such executive functions as decision-making cognition. In fact, MDMA users have shown elevated impulsivity in two studies, but little is known about decision making in drug-free MDMA consumers. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the cognitive neurotoxicity of MDMA with regard to behavioral impulsivity and decision-making cognition. Methods: Nineteen male, abstinent, heavy MDMA users; 19 male, abstinent cannabis users; and 19 male, drug-naïve controls were examined with the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) as well as with a Go/No-Go Task (GNG) for impulsivity and with a Gambling Task (GT) for executive functioning. Results: MDMA users showed significantly elevated impulsivity in the MFFT Impulsivity score (I-score), but not in commission errors of the GNG, compared with controls. Cannabis users did not yield altered impulsivity compared with controls. In the GT, MDMA users performed significantly worse than cannabis consumers and controls, whereas cannabis users exhibited the same decision-making capacity as controls. In addition, the I-score as well as the decision-making performance was correlated with measures of MDMA intake. The I-score and the decision-making performance were also correlated. Conclusion: These results suggest that heavy use of MDMA may elevate behavioral impulsivity and impair decision-making cognition possibly mediated by a selective impairment of the 5-HT syste

    Clinical examination and patients’ history are not suitable for neonatal hip screening

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    PURPOSE: To assess the percentage of missed developmental dysplasia of the hip, which escape the German criteria for newborn hip high-risk screening, we analyzed our data gained from the general neonatal sonographic hip screening performed at our department. The aim of the study was to determine the number of potentially belatedly treated developmental dysplasia of the hip. METHODS: The data from 1145 standardized newborn hip ultrasound examinations according to the Graf technique were analyzed retrospectively comparing findings for general neonatal sonographic hip screening and high-risk screening subgroups. RESULTS: We diagnosed developmental dysplasia of the hip in 18 of the 1145 newborns via ultrasound. A total of 10 out of 18 developmental dysplasia of the hip would have been missed by high-risk screening, which corresponds to a proportion of 55.6% false-negative results. The sensitivity of high-risk screening was only 44.4% and specificity, 78.3%. The positive predictive value was 3.2%. Family history as a screening criterion yielded false-negative results in 77.8% and false-positive results in 16.8%. In all, 83.3% of the children who were born with developmental dysplasia of the hip but not from breech position as a risk factor were false negative. The clinical examination was false negative in 88.9% and false positive in 0.6%. CONCLUSION: High-risk screening detected less than every second developmental dysplasia of the hip, rendering the first month as the most effective treatment window unavailable for inapparent dysplastic hips, potentially resulting in the need for more invasive treatment. Due to the high sensitivity of ultrasound in the detection of developmental dysplasia of the hip, we recommend to replace the current German high-risk screening guidelines with a general newborn screening for all neonates using Graf ultrasound in the first week of life. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level II

    Anaerobic methanotrophic communities thrive in deep submarine permafrost

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    Thawing submarine permafrost is a source of methane to the subsurface biosphere. Methane oxidation in submarine permafrost sediments has been proposed, but the responsible microorganisms remain uncharacterized. We analyzed archaeal communities and identified distinct anaerobic methanotrophic assemblages of marine and terrestrial origin (ANME-2a/b, ANME-2d) both in frozen and completely thawed submarine permafrost sediments. Besides archaea potentially involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) we found a large diversity of archaea mainly belonging to Bathyarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, and Euryarchaeota. Methane concentrations and ή13C-methane signatures distinguish horizons of potential AOM coupled either to sulfate reduction in a sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) or to the reduction of other electron acceptors, such as iron, manganese or nitrate. Analysis of functional marker genes (mcrA) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) corroborate potential activity of AOM communities in submarine permafrost sediments at low temperatures. Modeled potential AOM consumes 72–100% of submarine permafrost methane and up to 1.2 Tg of carbon per year for the total expected area of submarine permafrost. This is comparable with AOM habitats such as cold seeps. We thus propose that AOM is active where submarine permafrost thaws, which should be included in global methane budgets

    Cross-talk between red blood cells and plasma influences blood flow and omics phenotypes in severe COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and can affect multiple organs, among which is the circulatory system. Inflammation and mortality risk markers were previously detected in COVID-19 plasma and red blood cells (RBCs) metabolic and proteomic profiles. Additionally, biophysical properties, such as deformability, were found to be changed during the infection. Based on such data, we aim to better characterize RBC functions in COVID-19. We evaluate the flow properties of RBCs in severe COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit by using microfluidic techniques and automated methods, including artificial neural networks, for an unbiased RBC analysis. We find strong flow and RBC shape impairment in COVID-19 samples and demonstrate that such changes are reversible upon suspension of COVID-19 RBCs in healthy plasma. Vice versa, healthy RBCs resemble COVID-19 RBCs when suspended in COVID-19 plasma. Proteomics and metabolomics analyses allow us to detect the effect of plasma exchanges on both plasma and RBCs and demonstrate a new role of RBCs in maintaining plasma equilibria at the expense of their flow properties. Our findings provide a framework for further investigations of clinical relevance for therapies against COVID-19 and possibly other infectious diseases

    Elevated impulsivity and impaired decision-making cognition in heavy users of MDMA (“Ecstasy”)

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    Rationale: In animal studies, the common club drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy”) consistently caused a prolonged loss of presynaptic serotonergic neurons, and evidence suggests that MDMA consumption may also affect the human serotonergic system. Serotonin (5-HT) has been implicated in the regulation of impulsivity and such executive functions as decision-making cognition. In fact, MDMA users have shown elevated impulsivity in two studies, but little is known about decision making in drug-free MDMA consumers. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the cognitive neurotoxicity of MDMA with regard to behavioral impulsivity and decision-making cognition. Methods: Nineteen male, abstinent, heavy MDMA users; 19 male, abstinent cannabis users; and 19 male, drug-naïve controls were examined with the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) as well as with a Go/No-Go Task (GNG) for impulsivity and with a Gambling Task (GT) for executive functioning. Results: MDMA users showed significantly elevated impulsivity in the MFFT Impulsivity score (I-score), but not in commission errors of the GNG, compared with controls. Cannabis users did not yield altered impulsivity compared with controls. In the GT, MDMA users performed significantly worse than cannabis consumers and controls, whereas cannabis users exhibited the same decision-making capacity as controls. In addition, the I-score as well as the decision-making performance was correlated with measures of MDMA intake. The I-score and the decision-making performance were also correlated. Conclusion: These results suggest that heavy use of MDMA may elevate behavioral impulsivity and impair decision-making cognition possibly mediated by a selective impairment of the 5-HT syste

    Chancengerechtigkeit durch Bildung – Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung (Auszug)

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    Der hier mit freundlicher Genehmigung des AWO Bundesverbands abgedruckte Text ist ein Auszug aus der BroschĂŒre: Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband (Hrsg.): Standpunkte 2006. Chancengerechtigkeit durch Bildung – Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung, Bonn 2006. Unser Bildungssystem fĂŒr die Kinder im Alter von 6 bis 16 Jahren wird den Herausforderungen der Zukunft nicht gerecht. Ein Umsteuern ist dringend notwendig, da ohne Bildung der Wandel in die Wissensgesellschaft nicht zu bewĂ€ltigen ist. Bildung, Qualifikation und Kompetenzen und das Erlernen von Diskurs- und KonfliktfĂ€higkeit entscheiden ĂŒber die beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Chancen eines jeden Menschen und davon abhĂ€ngig ĂŒber seine Zukunftschancen. Bildung bedeutet Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit, der IdentitĂ€t. Bildung bedeutet aber auch, die gemeinschaftsfĂ€hige Persönlichkeit zu gestalten. Und somit bekommt Bildung gerade in der Lebensphase der 6- bis 16-JĂ€hrigen ĂŒber die eher traditionelle Dimension hinaus auch einen emanzipatorischen Charakter. Wenn Bildung also fĂŒr den Einzelnen diese entscheidende Rolle spielt, dann bekommt die öffentliche Verantwortung fĂŒr dieses Bildungswesen eine ganz zentrale Bedeutung. (DIPF/Orig.

    Erysense, a Lab-on-a-Chip-Based Point-of-Care Device to Evaluate Red Blood Cell Flow Properties With Multiple Clinical Applications

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    In many medical disciplines, red blood cells are discovered to be biomarkers since they “experience” various conditions in basically all organs of the body. Classical examples are diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. However, recently the red blood cell distribution width (RDW), is often referred to, as an unspecific parameter/marker (e.g., for cardiac events or in oncological studies). The measurement of RDW requires venous blood samples to perform the complete blood cell count (CBC). Here, we introduce Erysense, a lab-on-a-chip-based point-of-care device, to evaluate red blood cell flow properties. The capillary chip technology in combination with algorithms based on artificial neural networks allows the detection of very subtle changes in the red blood cell morphology. This flow-based method closely resembles in vivo conditions and blood sample volumes in the sub-microliter range are sufficient. We provide clinical examples for potential applications of Erysense as a diagnostic tool [here: neuroacanthocytosis syndromes (NAS)] and as cellular quality control for red blood cells [here: hemodiafiltration (HDF) and erythrocyte concentrate (EC) storage]. Due to the wide range of the applicable flow velocities (0.1–10 mm/s) different mechanical properties of the red blood cells can be addressed with Erysense providing the opportunity for differential diagnosis/judgments. Due to these versatile properties, we anticipate the value of Erysense for further diagnostic, prognostic, and theragnostic applications including but not limited to diabetes, iron deficiency, COVID-19, rheumatism, various red blood cell disorders and anemia, as well as inflammation-based diseases including sepsis

    Gas exchange mechanisms in preterm infants on HFOV - a computational approach

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    High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) is a commonly used therapy applied to neonates requiring ventilatory support during their first weeks of life. Despite its wide application, the underlying gas exchange mechanisms promoting the success of HVOF in neonatal care are not fully understood until today. In this work, a highly resolved computational lung model, derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Infant Lung Function Testing (ILFT), is used to reveal the reason for highly efficient gas exchange during HFOV, in the preterm infant. In total we detected six mechanisms that facilitate gas exchange during HFOV: (i) turbulent vortices in large airways;(ii) asymmetric in-and expiratory flow profiles;(iii) radial mixing in main bronchi;(iv) laminar flow in higher generations of the respiratory tract;(v) pendelluft;(vi) direct ventilation of central alveoli. The illustration of six specific gas transport phenomena during HFOV in preterm infants advances general knowledge on protective ventilation in neonatal care and can support decisions on various modes of ventilatory therapy at high frequencies

    Validation of Sentinel-5P TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 products by comparison with NO2 measurements from airborne imaging, ground-based stationary, and mobile car DOAS measurements during the S5P-VAL-DE-Ruhr campaign

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    Airborne imaging differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), ground-based stationary and car DOAS measurements were conducted during the S5P-VAL-DE-Ruhr campaign in September 2020. The campaign area is located in the Rhine-Ruhr region of North Rhine-Westphalia, Western Germany, which is a pollution hotspot in Europe comprising urban and large industrial emitters. The measurements are used to validate space-borne NO2 tropospheric vertical column density data products from the Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Seven flights were performed with the airborne imaging DOAS instrument for measurements of atmospheric pollution (AirMAP), providing measurements which were used to create continuous maps of NO2 in the layer below the aircraft. These flights cover many S5P ground pixels within an area of 30 km x 35 km and were accompanied by ground-based stationary measurements and three mobile car DOAS instruments. Stationary measurements were conducted by two Pandora, two zenith-sky and two MAX-DOAS instruments distributed over three target areas. Ground-based stationary and car DOAS measurements are used to evaluate the AirMAP tropospheric NO2 vertical column densities and show high Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.87 and 0.89 and slopes of 0.93 &plusmn; 0.09 and 0.98 &plusmn; 0.02 for the stationary and car DOAS, respectively. Having a spatial resolution of about 100 m x 30 m, the AirMAP tropospheric NO2 vertical column density (VCD) data creates a link between the ground-based and the TROPOMI measurements with a resolution of 3.5 km x 5.5 km and is therefore well suited to validate the TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 VCD. The measurements on the seven flight days show strong NO2 variability, which is dependent on the different target areas, the weekday, and the meteorological conditions. The AirMAP campaign dataset is compared to the TROPOMI NO2 operational off-line (OFFL) V01.03.02 data product, the reprocessed NO2 data, using the V02.03.01 of the official L2 processor, provided by the Product Algorithm Laboratory (PAL), and several scientific TROPOMI NO2 data products. The TROPOMI data products and the AirMAP data are highly correlated with correlation coefficients between 0.72 and 0.87, and slopes of 0.38 &plusmn; 0.02 to 1.02 &plusmn; 0.07. On average, TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 VCDs are lower than the AirMAP NO2 results. The slope increased from 0.38 &plusmn; 0.02 for the operational OFFL V01.03.02 product to 0.83 &plusmn; 0.06 after the improvements in the retrieval of the PAL V02.03.01 product were implemented. Different auxiliary data, such as spatially higher resolved a priori NO2 vertical profiles, surface reflectivity and the cloud treatment, are investigated using scientific TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 VCD data products to evaluate their impact on the operational TROPOMI NO2 VCD data product. The comparison of the AirMAP campaign dataset to the scientific data products shows that the choice of surface reflectivity data base has a minor impact on the tropospheric NO2 VCD retrieval in the campaign region and season. In comparison, the replacement of the a priori NO2 profile in combination with the improvements in the retrieval of the PAL V02.03.01 product regarding cloud heights has a major impact on the tropospheric NO2 VCD retrieval and increases the slope from 0.88 &plusmn; 0.06 to 1.00 &plusmn; 0.07. This study demonstrates that the underestimation of the TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 VCD product with respect to the validation dataset has been and can be further significantly improved.</p
